Textiles Manufacturer


Corrosion Resistant Blower


Production of high-performance textiles

Industry: Chemical
Location: Japan
TEXEL Products Installed:
Corrosion resistant Blower
  • FTF1403Z
Used for ventilation of acidic exhaust gas emitted from factory lines.
The textile product division of a general chemical manufacturer. This factory manufactures high-performance textiles and needs a blower to collectively exhaust the gases emitted by the manufacturing plant.
Since the manufacturing plant emits a number of corrosive gases that, over time, the metal blower was corroded and rendered it unusable. The customer requested to replace a blower which has corrosion resistant features.
In order to exhaust acidic corrosive gases, come from all of the manufacturing lines at once, it was required to handle a huge air volume of 120,000 CFM acid gas, and it was decided, as a replacement of the metal blower, to install the FTF1403Z. This blower has the largest 84 inches diameter impeller among TEXEL blowers.
Benefits / Results
The casing and impeller of the FTF1403Z are made of FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastics) which has excellent corrosion resistance, and the noise level of the blower is low. Therefore, the customer has been using the blower long period of time without any problems.
Product Features
Model: TEXEL FTF1403Z
Material: FRP
Gas volume: 120,000 CFM
Static pressure: 3.1” WC
Handled gas: Acid gas
Motor: 200HP
industrial FRP blower for textile manufacturer
industrial FRP blower for textile manufacturer
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